Hematology Education Online
Hematology Education Online aims to fill an unmet need for high quality hematology education for the medical community and the public. Our content is available to all users for FREE!
Our current focus is on benign hematology.
Gerald A Soff MD, Course Coordinator
Chief, General Hematology Service
Professor of Medicine
Division of Hematology/Department of Medicine
Sylvester Comprehensive Cancer Center
University of Miami Health System
Email: gas199@miami.edu

Registration is only necessary for CME Credits. Content is free to view without registration.
Thursday Mornings 8:00-9:00 EST
Once a lecture has been presented, the video and slide deck will be posted. Please click the tab [Schedule and Links, 2021-2022] or the above button to be directed to a table with a schedule of presentations. The hyperlink (in purple) will take you to the presentations and the assessment.