Hematology Education Online
Hematology Education Online aims to fill an unmet need for high quality hematology education for the medical community and the public. Our content is available to all users for FREE!
Our current focus is on benign hematology.
Gerald A Soff MD, Course Coordinator
Chief, Classical Hematology Service
University of Miami Health System/Sylvester Comprehensive Cancer Center
Email: gas199@miami.edu

The course App is now available on both Android and Apple Store!!
> Registration is optional.
> Content is free to view without registration.
This course is supported, in part, by unrestricted educational grants from:
1. AstraZeneca​
2. Administrative support by the Department of Medicine and the Sylvester Comprehensive Cancer Center of the University of Miami.
Thursday Mornings 8:00-9:00 EST,
COURSE UPDATE: January 19, 2025
Our course is now accredited for Continuing Education, vis the Global Learning Cooperative. This will be for lectures beginning in 2025. See the link at the bottom of the lectures to complete the post-lecture questions to obtain certification.
Upcoming Lectures
January 23, 2025: Lecture 16. Hereditary Marrow Failure Syndromes
Daria V. Babushok, MD PhD, University of Pennsylvania, Penn Medicine
January 30, 2025: Lecture 17. Hematopathology (Peripheral Blood)
Afshan Idrees, MD, University of Miami
February 6, 2025: Lecture 18. Heparin Induced Thrombocytopenia (HIT)
Gerald A Soff, MD, University of Miami
www.hematologyeducationonline.com is the product of a world-class group of academic physicians and scientists who share a love of classical hematology and a willingness to educate others in our field. To briefly go over the course structure, each week, on Thursday, 8:00 to 9:00 AM Eastern USA Time, we will have a live lecture. The lecture will be recorded. To join live, please access the course home page and go to the [Join Live Presentation] tab.
To view the past talks, go to the Curriculum tab on the top of the home page.
Participation and use are always open access and free to all. But please register to facilitate communication and correspondence about updates and changes to the schedule.
Gerald A Soff MD; gas199@miami.edu
Sassine Ghanem MD: sassine_ghanem@brown.edu